ACFCU is now accepting 薪水保障计划 (PPP) applications from 符合条件的个体户和企业. 立即生效, the SBA is now allowing new PPP applicants who are sole proprietors, 独立承包人, and Self-Employed Individuals to use their IRS Form 1040 Schedule C Gross Income to calculate their eligible PPP loan amount.
The SBA has released new application forms that all borrowers must now use when applying for a PPP loan. Applications with instructions are in the PPP Resources section below. These forms are the most up-to-date drafts available from the SBA but may be subject to change. 申请邮件请发至 business@kitasato-ov-graduate.com1 and a 成员 of our business lending team will follow up with you.
PPP申请截止日期已延长. 你r applications must be submitted to ACFCU by 5:00pm Monday, May 24, 2021.
符合条件的个体户和企业 with 500 or fewer employees who did not previously receive a PPP loan may apply for a PPP loan (subject to all other applicable application requirements and program rules).
Previous recipients of PPP loans will be eligible for a second loan if, 在其他要求中, 他们:
ACFCU is asking applicants who already received a PPP loan in 2020 to take part in the forgiveness application process for that loan as they apply for a second PPP loan. 这可能有助于确保SBA免除两笔PPP贷款.
If you have a first round PPP Loan that was funded in 2020 for an amount under $150,000, please complete the New Abbreviated Loan Forgiveness Application as soon as possible. 您可以通过我们的在线宽恕门户访问该表格. If you never received a link to the Forgiveness Portal or have issues accessing it, 请发邮件给我们的团队 business@kitasato-ov-graduate.com1. If you have any questions, you are welcome to submit them to that email address.
When going through the portal, please keep in mind the following:
你 will owe money when your loan is due if you use the loan amount for anything other than payroll costs, 抵押贷款利率, 租金, and utility payments over the eight weeks after getting the loan. No more than 40% of the forgiven amount may be for non-payroll costs.
你 will also owe money if you 不 maintain your staff and payroll.
If you use PPP funds for unauthorized purposes, SBA will direct you to repay those amounts. 如果你故意将资金用于未经授权的目的, you will be subject to additional liability such as charges for fraud. 如果你的股东之一, 成员, 或合作伙伴将PPP资金用于未经授权的目的, SBA将对股东有追索权, 成员, 或合作伙伴未经授权使用.
1Please 不 submit your account number or social security number via email or contact form. 信息 sent is at risk of loss of confidentiality if the information is transmitted over the internet.
5月5日星期三, 2021, the SBA announced that funding for the 薪水保障计划 has been exhausted and we are no longer able to accept any new PPP Applications.